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Publishing private npm packages

Learn how to publish private packages using the npm CLI

In the JavaScript ecosystem, npm plays a fundamental role. This tool enables every developer to share reusable code as packages. However, private npm packages necessitate additional security and access control measures. This comprehensive guide will navigate you through the steps of publishing private npm packages across diverse platforms.

Publishing to npm:

To publish a private npm package to npm, you need to have a paid npm account. Otherwise you can only publish public packages.

  1. Login to your npm account using npm login

  2. Initialize your package using npm init --scope=@user or npm init --scope=@org if you want to publish it under your organization

  3. Publish your package using npm publish --access=restricted

Publishing to GitHub:

You can also publish your private npm packages to GitHub Packages.

  1. Login to the GitHub Packages using npm login --scope=@namespace --auth-type=legacy --registry= and your username/personal access token for the password

  2. Initialize your package using npm init --scope=@namespace

  3. Publish your package using npm publish --registry= which will publish it to the GitHub Packages registry

Publishing to privatepkgs:

For better control and licensing, you can publish packages through your own registry with privatepkgs.

  1. Create a new package through the dashboard

  2. Follow the instructions to setup your npm CLI

  3. Initialize your package using npm init --scope=@namespace

  4. Publish your package using npm publish --registry=

Now you’re able to issue licenses and grant access to your packages. Moreover, by integrating with payment providers, you have the option to monetize your npm packages.


Publishing private npm packages can be a bit more complex than public ones due to the additional security and access control. However, by following this guide, you should be able to publish your private npm packages with ease. Remember, the key to choosing the best platform depends on your specific needs and the context in which your package will be used.